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Barrie, Ontario


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Angus & Barrie Santa Claus Parades

Matt Kiegelmann

Busy week/weekend for our band!  We stepped off on our first Santa Claus parade of the year early Saturday morning in Angus.  The weather cooperated fairly well, cold hands were the only complaints going around the circle.  Following the Angus morning parade, we stepped off at 5pm for Barrie's own Santa Claus parade.  The streets were 10 deep for the entire parade route!

Post parade, we stopped by and paid our primary corporate sponsor a visit - Donaleigh's Irish Public House.  After a pint or two, or three or four, we were warmed up and a few players put on a show for the other patrons in the pub.  Thanks to Randy, Kavan and Justin for rocking a great MSR.

P/M Matt

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