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Barrie, Ontario


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Lest We Forget.

Matt Kiegelmann

Words can't describe how moving yesterdays Remembrance Day ceremony was.  I have personally marched down Dunlop St for this ceremony 15 or so times and I have never seen a bigger turnout.  The weather was warm and sunny with barely a cloud in the sky.  Our band had a busy day following the ceremony as we had 2 other performances at both The Legion and the A.N.A.F.

With the recent unfortunate deaths of two of our soldiers on Canadian ground, our city came together and showed their respect.  I would like to thank The Grey & Simcoe Foresters for joining us on parade yesterday.

Great job band, very proud of you all.


P/M Matt

Below is a gallery of a few pictures taken by both Ange Soule (Band Manager) and Mark Wanzel (Barrie Examiner).  Please click on the photo to move on to the next one!