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Barrie, Ontario

Band Awards

SERVICE  -  Commitment   -  Ability

These awards are presented annually to a person (band member or not) who best represents the qualities and ideals of the person for which the award has been named. 


Tom Gougeon Memorial Award


Tono Gougeon Award -Most improved Piper

Selected by the PIpe Major

2013 - Joe Rugman

2014 - Andrew McPherson

2015 - Jeff Anderson

2016 - Donna Cooper

2017 - Jeremy Rostirolla &
Rowan Schulz

2018 - Stephanie Sabean

2019 - Ian McClure

Tom Gougeon came to Barrie and District Pipes and Drums in 1980, three years after its inception.

 In 1982 he became Pipe Sgt and then Pipe Major in 1984. He worked hard at helping the band achieve many accomplishments. Under Tom’s leadership the band won many awards for best band on parades over the years as well as many 1st places at highland games in throughout Ontario.

 Tom was also instrumental in the band playing in the Rose Bowl Parade as well as a trip to Scotland.

 Pipe Major Tom Gougeon's dedication to and leadership of BDPD earned him much respect from his peers and many friendships were formed. He remains the longest serving Pipe Major of Barrie and District Pipes and Drums.  He was the serving Pipe Major until 1994 when, at the age of 57,  he sadly passed away from cancer.

Tom was very supportive of people striving to be their best and believed in honouring that through recognition of their accomplishments.   His memory and many years of dedication  to the band are the inspiration for this award.

 The trophy is made from one of the chanters he used with the band.



Bob Moise Award - Service and Commitment

Selected by the Band Leadership

2013 - Marv Bishop

2014 - Ron Brown

2015 - Sylvia Hartwell

2016 - Yvonne Buchanan

2017 - Aprille Holmes

2018 - Jeff Anderson

2019 - Rob McGregor

2021 - Yvonne Buchanan

2022 - Barry Gougeon


Neil Hartwell Memorial Award

Most Improved Drummer

Neil Hartwell Award - Most Improved Drummer

Selected by the Drum Sgt

2013 - Kavan Johnstone Schulz

2014 - Mark Rugman Sr.

2015 - Aprille Holmes

2016 - Emily Ann Rugman

2017 - Renee Mathieu

2018 - Joanne Haw

2019- Joanne Haw