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Barrie, Ontario



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Toronto Knock Out - Jan. 9th

Matt Kiegelmann

Last weekend our band sent down our two youngest pipers to compete in the Toronto Branch indoor Knockout Competition. Both Lili and Rowan did a fantastic job representing our band!  Lili placed 1st and Rowan landed a 3rd.

Both of these pipers have come up through our teaching program and will be ones to watch in the years to come!


Matt - P/M

Remembrance Day - November 11th, 2015

Matt Kiegelmann

Barrie Pipes & Drums were honoured to take part in the Remembrance Day Parade and Services held downtown Barrie.  Special thanks to the Grey & Simcoe Foresters for joining us on parade.

We always follow the service by attending the receptions held at the Royal Canadian Legion and the Army Navy & Air Force Club - Barrie.

We thank everyone for attending.