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Barrie, Ontario



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Filtering by Tag: champions

Fergus Scottish Festival - 3rd (End of Season)

Matt Kiegelmann

Warming up!

Barrie Pipes & Drums headed to the Fergus Scottish Festival last Saturday for their final competition of the season.  It was our weakest performance of the year however we still managed to salvage 3rd place!  I think everyone was dreaming about the upcoming month and half break!!!  Regardless we still had a lot of fun and finished the season off right!

Unfortunately, sad news greeted us with the passing of Ed Neigh.  Ed made a huge impact in the North American piping scene and he will be dearly missed.  Our condolences to Ed's family and our piping pals in the Paris Port Dover Pipe Band who in recent years were personally instructed by Ed.  Rest In Peace Ed, you were a great guy and always willing to lend a helping hand.

We have already started to work on our brand new Grade 4 MSR.  Practices will start back up in mid September.  Congrats band on a HUGE season, we put the pedal to the metal in May and never looked back. 

North American Champions - Grade 5

Matt Kiegelmann

North American Championship pin presented to every member in our band.

On Saturday, our band took to the field in Maxville for the oldest & largest highland games in North America - The Glengarry Highland Games.  There was a lot riding on this performance as winning in Maxville is every bands dream if you are in an active pipe band in North America.  There was a total of 54 bands, 13 of which were in our grade.

We put down easily the best performance of the year under extreme pressure.  Our band is leading in points for the PPBSO Champion Supreme designation and we knew we had a good crack at the North American title if we could squeak off a clean performance.  I can't stress enough how proud I am of all the members in our band.  We took the field with confidence and let the countless hours of practice take over.  Speaking for a few of us, there were a few teary eyes marching off the field as we all knew we played amazing.  Fortunately the judges thought so too!  We took BEST PIPES, 2nd in drumming and a 1st in ensemble (1,2,2,1).

We have one more competition before the season is over which is Fergus this coming weekend.  Again, amazing job band, I am really proud of you all.  GRADE 4 LOOK OUT!

Click on the pictures below to scroll through the album or watch the performance here!