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Barrie, Ontario



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Practicing Outside!

Matt Kiegelmann

With the warm weather upon us, our band will be doing the majority of our practicing outside for the rest of the summer.  We encourage anyone who is interested in the band or to simply just hear us play, stop by on a Monday night.  We typically will be on our instruments from 8:15pm until 9pm.

Check out the size of our band!  20+ pipers, 4 tenors and 7 sides!  Barrie has not seen a pipe band this size in decades.

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1st Place - Kingston Scottish Festival

Matt Kiegelmann

On May 23rd, our Grade 5 band competed in this years first outdoor contest.  The weather was a little cold and really windy.  The band put on a great showing and managed to win their 2nd contest of the year.

Excellent job band, looking forward to fielding the band in a couple weeks in Georgetown.  Congrats to our solo competitors who braved the cold in the morning as well!

Bob Worrall Clinic - May 2nd

Matt Kiegelmann

Last weekend we had the privilege of having Bob Worrall up for a Grade 5 band clinic.  Ensemble was the focus and we all took a lot away from it.  Bob is a great guy and shared a bunch of tips/ideas which will help our march medley along even more.  We all agree the slight changes we made that day have already made our set more musical and stronger.

Thanks for the great day Bob!

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