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Barrie, Ontario



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Filtering by Tag: scottish

Barrie City Council Recognition

Matt Kiegelmann

On Monday, October 26, Barrie City Council and Mayor Jeff Lehman presented us with a plaque recognizing our successful year and winning the North American Pipe Band Championship, Grade 5. We were honoured for this recognition!

We would like to thank Jeff and his council for organizing this presentation.  It was a great night, one we will never forget!

Highlands of Durham Games - 1st Place!

Matt Kiegelmann


Barrie Pipes & Drums headed down to Uxbridge on Saturday for the Highlands of Durham Games. Today was very hot and humid, but luckily the rain held off for us!
We are very excited in placing 1st Overall in Grade 5 with a three way tie for piping, 1st in drumming and best bass.
Congratulations to all participating bands and we are looking forward to Maxville next weekend!

Click on the images below to scan to the next picture.

Cobourg Highland Games - 1st Place!

Matt Kiegelmann

For the very first time, our band won our first PPBSO trophy.  We started learning our competition medley back in September and we have not looked back since.  Practicing 3 times a week for the last 5 months finally paid off!  Not only did our band win the overall Grade 5 prize, we also won "Best Drums & Best Bass" of the day for our grade.  Congrats to our solo competitors who also put up some amazing results!

Hats off to everyone for a great performance.  Our sites are now set on Kincardine which is this coming weekend!

Take a minute to view the gallery below!