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Barrie, Ontario



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Filtering by Tag: side drummer

We are in the hunt for a new DRUM SERGEANT/LEAD TIP!

Matt Kiegelmann


We are currently in the hunt for someone to take over our LEAD TIP/Drum Sergeant position in our band. Its with heavy heart that we announce the departure of our current DS, Eric Hunter & his wife Steph, who recently were posted to Petawawa. Eric/Steph will be joining us in 2016 however as out of town players.

What we are looking for:

Positive Attitude
Team Player
Must know how to have fun!

We will be practicing 2 times a week (Monday/Saturday) as we have 2 new sets to get under our belts. Our instructor is still Mike Steele who has already composed the scores for 2016.

BP&D is a growing and exciting band to be a part of. This is a family, not just a regular band. We are fired up for Grade 4 and need someone to take the reins and put our drum corps in the winning circle again! Please contact me directly if interested. Please pass this along to anyone who you might think would like to be a part of our band.


Matt (PM)