First day of school?
Angela Soule
As we approach our first band competition of the season, it is funny how it almost feels like the first day of the school year. Think about it a bit.
There’s almost butterflies in your stomach as you drive up to the grounds, looking around seeing if you recognize any of your non band peers. Then you start catching up on any of the recent news that may not have popped up on social media, run into any previous teachers or mentors that you may have worked with. Then, as the bands start tuning and getting ready, it’s that first step on the field that you realize, just like the first day of school, where you may stand for the rest of the season. We all know there is a tight window to perhaps change your fate of the season, but it takes even more homework, extra hours and dedication to make it as an honour student.
We hope whatever you face on your first band competition day, that at least, you enjoy it.
See you on the field!
Marching up to the line, Kingston Scottish Festival, 2015