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Barrie, Ontario


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Angela Soule

Hello followers!

It has been a busy few months with Santa Claus Parades, our members Christmas Party, the New Year's Levee at the Legion, our Robbie Burns Night and our first workshop of the season.

Typically, when a new year begins, resolutions are made.  Barrie Pipes & Drums resolution was made clear for 2018.  To bring it back and focus on the basics and rudiments of playing.  Sometimes that gets lost in the hustle and bustle of learning new competition and event sets.  With that mandate in mind, PM Kris had lined up a series of monthly workshops, to be led by various key players in the pipe band world.  With this new focus, we have decided to stand back from the usual PPBSO sanctioned competitions and focus more on local community events.  Our members are excited for this shift as it eliminates the pressures that align with the competing season.  This doesn't mean we will not be competing in future years.  For now, the priority is to grow as players, so we can come together better and stronger as a group.  

We had another successful Robbie Burns Night, January 28th at Liberty North.  We cannot thank our community enough for your continued support!!  We hosted about 200 guests with a great roast beef dinner, another amazing performance of the Toast to the Haggis by Lachlan McGurk, highland dancing by the students of our friend Meghan Miller and closing out the night, was a fantastic trio, The High Drive.  We hope everyone enjoyed themselves, and mark your calendars, for January 26th, 2019 as that will be our next Robbie Burns Dinner.  

I'm sure, like us, you are looking forward to the warmer months ahead.  Take a look at our events calendar, so you can plan ahead as it would be great to see you.  We have all of our 2018 events listed and we hope you can join us.  Don't forget to check us out on Facebook and Instagram!




Some of our members and their family enjoying our Christmas party.

Some of our members and their family enjoying our Christmas party.

Frank, Joanne, Renée and Ron enjoying some Moosemilk at the Levee.

Frank, Joanne, Renée and Ron enjoying some Moosemilk at the Levee.

During our performance at our Robbie Burns Night.

During our performance at our Robbie Burns Night.

Group photo at Robbie Burns Night.  Photo by Don Kerr from Snap'd Barrie.

Group photo at Robbie Burns Night.  Photo by Don Kerr from Snap'd Barrie.