Falling into Winter.....
Angela Soule
To say our Autumn was a busy one, would be an understatement. We had a great turn out for our Open House which welcomed both new students as well as players that might have been on a break for awhile. We are settling in with our new group and are excited for the season to come.
We’ve attended a few events as well, including the Elmvale Fall Fair and the Remembrance Day Service in Barrie. The ceremony on November 11th was especially important as not only was it the first service at the newly constructed Memorial Square and Meridian Place, but it was also the 100th Year of Armistice Day. We were honoured to march on the Colour Party, troops and veterans. If you missed the service, you can watch at https://barrie.ctvnews.ca/we-remember-ceremony-held-for-veterans-in-barrie-1.4172459
We also have photos posted on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/barriepipesanddrums/
Looking ahead, we have a busy Winter scheduled starting off with the Holiday Parades. Please check our Events page for all the listings, and we hope to see you out celebrating the Christmas season.
Another fun event we are looking forward to, is the Highland Christmas Tea & Market hosted by our friends at Miller School of Highland Dance. On December 9th it will be an afternoon of tea, coffee, desserts, highland dancing, pipe band playing and crafts - what more could you ask for?! Visit the event listing at https://www.facebook.com/events/1989399134442820/ for ticket information.
Save the date, January 26th will be our Annual Robbie Burns Night. Stay tuned for details as they will be coming out in the next few weeks.
We hope everyone has had an enjoyable fall, but before hibernating for winter, we do hope to see you at one of the community events!