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Barrie, Ontario


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The last few days of Summer....

Angela Soule

We've had a busy summer attending around 10 events throughout Ontario between competitions and community parades.  This year, marking Canada's 150th, we were honoured to be a part of both Aurora  and Bradford's Canada Day celebrations.  It's through these parades and local events that we get to see all of our supporters and enjoy the festivities alongside our neighbours.   This summer we held our first annual Barrie Pipes & Drums Awards Night for our members and their families.  A fun evening of recognition, food and music over a bonfire held at Barry and Sandi Gougeon's, Ravenwood.

We've enjoyed the last few weeks off as our own summer break, but we are excited to kick back into high gear for the new season.  We are looking forward to the lucky winner of 101.1 BIG FM's Wake Up Call contest, where we will surprise one lucky student on the first day of school and help them wake up for the big day with a mini concert.  Our first practice back as a group will be September 18th and we have a few new eager students that will be starting up with us as well!  If you are interested in more information on our free, weekly, bagpipe and drumming lessons, we will be having an Open House, Monday, September 25th.  Stay tuned to our website and Facebook page for more information.

We hope everyone had a great summer and if we didn't see you at one of our events, we hope to see you soon!




Marching off the field at the Kingston Scottish Festival

Marching off the field at the Kingston Scottish Festival

BPD Awards Night

BPD Awards Night

Canada Day in Aurora

Canada Day in Aurora