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Barrie, Ontario

A new home for the pipe band!


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A new home for the pipe band!

Peter Johnstone Schulz


First off, Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to all of our members, and supporters!  Without all of you Barrie Pipes & Drums would not be the success it is today!

As most of you know the band has been looking for a new practice space since the beginning of December.  I want to thank everyone that contacted us with possible locations.  Beginning January 9th we will be holding our regular Monday night practices at the Sheba Shrine Club, located at 142 John St. Barrie.  This space is an excellent fit for our band, and we thank the Shrine Club for their very generous donation of this space to the band.

On another note, the band will be holding our annual Robbie Burns Dinner on January 28th!  This is an evening filled with music, dance, great food, and great people!  The proceeds of this dinner go a long way to keeping Barrie Pipes & Drums looking, and sounding like the pipe band you have all come to love!  If you have never experienced a Burns Supper, this is the year to do it!  Please follow this link for more info.


PM Pete