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Barrie, Ontario


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2014/2015 Board of Directors - AGM Recap

Matt Kiegelmann

Last Monday, Sept. 22nd, we held our annual AGM at The ANAF.  I would like to personally congratulate the new members who will be serving on our Board of Directors and thank members who served on it last year.  Below is our board for the 2014/2015 season:

Pipe Major - Matt Kiegelmann

Pipe Sgt - Peter Johnstone-Shulz

Drum Major - Barry Gougeon

Drum Sgt - Eric Hunter

Band Manger - Angela Soule

Treasurer - Rob McGregor

Equipment Manager - Peter Johnstone-Shulz

Secretary - Angela Soule

Director At Large - Jim Wrightman

I am very excited to see how this new season unfolds.  It seems that every practice brings in a new playing member or student.  Please keep it up band - RECRUIT RECRUIT RECRUIT!


P/M Matt