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Barrie, Ontario


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Robbie Burns Night - Jan. 24th, 2015

Matt Kiegelmann

Our 2nd Annual Robbie Burns Night will be held at the ANAF on January 24th.  All proceeds from this event go towards new uniforms/instruments for the band.  This is our primary fundraising event and we hope you all can be there to enjoy a traditional Robbie Burns feast.  Feel free to wear your family tartan!

Entertainment and highlights of the night will be:

- Performances by both the Barrie Pipes & Drums Street and Grade 5 competition band.

- Cutting Bracken

- Highland Dancers

- Poetry

- 50/50 Draw & Silent Auction

- Presentation of the 2014 Barrie Pipes & Drums Annual Awards

- Music/Dance to follow the nights planned events.


Tickets: $40 each or $35 if you purchase a table of 8.

Last years event SOLD OUT!  Tickets are available through our band manager, players and the ANAF.