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Barrie, Ontario



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Robbie Burns 2.0 - SOLD OUT

Matt Kiegelmann

Another Robbie Burns dinner has come and gone!  To say this years event was a success would be an understatement.  Both Ange Soule (Band Manager) and Rob McGregor (Treasurer) spearheaded this event for our band and they knocked it out of the park!  Not only is this event an opportunity to celebrate the life of Robbie Burns, we also use it as our primary band fundraiser to help generate funds which will help finance us for the rest of the year.  This event was SOLD OUT again for the 2nd year in a row.  Rather than hiring staff to help run the event, our band takes on all of the duties to make sure everything runs smoothly.

We are already looking forward to our Burns 3.0 in 2016.  If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to email Ange, our band manager -  We are open to constructive criticism as we want to make this event the best it can be!

Congratulations to this year's Barrie Pipes & Drums award recipients:

Ron Brown - Bob Moisey Memorial Award for Outstanding Service and Commitment

Andrew McPherson - Tom Gougeon Memorial Award for Most Improved Piper

Mark Rugman Sr. - Neil Hartwell Memorial Award for Most Improved Drummer


Please click on the pictures below to move to the next one!

Robbie Burns Night - Only 30 tickets Left!!!!!!!

Matt Kiegelmann

Our 2nd Annual Robbie Burns Dinner is officially 1 week away!    If you have not purchased tickets yet, please get them ASAP as we only have 30 tickets left! 

This event will SELL OUT - do not miss out on Barrie's biggest & best Robbie Burns night!

Tickets are still available at the ANAF and from all members in our band.


P/M Matt

Happy New Year!

Matt Kiegelmann


On behalf of the band, I would like to wish everyone a safe and HAPPY NEW YEAR! 

2015 brings possibly the most exciting year in the bands history.  From fielding the largest/most talented competition band to date, to the pre-booked clinics with Bob Worrall, Ken Eller and Johnny Rowe in the early spring.  I am looking forward to another big growth year and I can confidently say our band is in the best spirits to date.

Robbie Burns tickets are still for sale and going quickly!  Tickets for this fundraiser are available through all of our band members as well as the ANAF in Barrie!  Do no miss out!


P/M Matt